In February 2010, in a small comedy club in Sydney’s Kings Cross, Dave Eastgate was joined onstage for an impromptu performance by Academy Award Winner Robin Williams, who described Dave’s act as “f*#%ing beautiful”. Indisputably Australian comedy’s most dazzling new talent, Dave Eastgate is an overnight sensation, 14 years in the making.
Not a chance more to catch him in the intimate Happy Endings, Dave’s is heading back to the UK for The Edinburgh Fringe we doubt they will let him come back.
Eastgate blends rock, rap, emo, country, lounge & a little bit of soul as he takes you on this hilarious, high energy musical safari! Welcome to the Jungle, baby!
Dave Eastgate has gone from stunt shows to television shows, theatre to feature film and New York Comedy Clubs to the Sydney Opera House via the Tokyo Punk Scene. He has received rave reviews landing him gigs as the audience warm-up for Big Brother, Australian Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Australia’s Got Talent and The X-Factor. After a sellout season at The 2010 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Dave has appeared as the guest comedian on Channel 10’s Ready Steady Cook and Thursday Night Live and Channel 7’s The X Factor and Xtra Factor. Commercials for Foxtel, Subway, Canadian Club, XXXX Gold and Acer Computers have been followed by roles on the Emmy Award winning HBO comedy series, “My Life on the D-List”, AFI winning ABC comedy series “Review With Myles Barlow” and Logie Award winning Channel 9 drama, “Sea Patrol”
WE mean this, if you haven’t seen live comedy at Happy Endings get down here, it will Rooooock.
Supported by the slightly strange – at times funny Eric Hutton. Appear on The Comedy Channel’s Stand Up Australia and on Triple J radio, filling in with Sam Simmons for industry mega-men Roy and H.G.
And Desh – In 2004, Desh made his national television debut on the NRL Footyshow and Rove. In 2005 and 2006 he appeared as a featured comedian on The Best of the Footyshow Comedians and Show Us Your Roots DVD. Sacred cows never tasted so good, even vegans come back for a second serve.