Julia Wilson– Described by many as the toughest woman in comedy, Julia Wilson tours the world with her dubious morals, having plenty of seriously dangerous fun along the way!

Whether it’s being bitten by a lion, stalked by a hippo, getting burnt by a burning hot gun cartridge, or being accosted by an armed hold up convict, Julia has aquired plenty of scars, and certainly isn’t afraid to share them with you! Julia doesn’t just take to the stage, she owns it. Her unique style of storytelling is delivered with such honesty and at a blisteringly energising pace that a shirt full of sore ribs is guaranteed!

Julia has headlined comedy events all over the world, thrilling audiences in Britain, Australia, South Africa, Croatia, Germany and Canada with her dynamic, gutsy performances on stage, tv, radio and film.

“Wilson is as tough as a sack full of nails… takes you on a taste defying ride you won’t forget in a hurry.” – Drum Media, Australia

“Laughter rips through her audiences like wildfire”- ComedyLive, Australia

“Her gags are fired off faster than snakebites in a mongoose cage…There’s nothing like laughing at other people’s misfortunes, and no guilt if you can claim you were scared into it… Be warned.” – TNT Magazine, UK

“Brilliant” – Three Weeks, Scotland

And super special guest MD DAVE EASTGATE – an internationally acclaimed stand-up comedian, the star of TWO Comedy TV Shows on ABC, Wednesday Night Fever and The Elegant Gentleman’s Guide to Knife Fighting, Described by Time Out Magazine as “the love child of simple plan and tenacious d” Dave Eastgate is one of the hottest young musical stand-up comedians in the country. He will come at you 4 Million Miles an Hour with some of the funniest songs you’ll ever hear! “f*#%ing beautiful” Robin Williams. Dave Eastgate


And Special Guests